Why Choose Us?
Probate is a court process for identifying and gathering a decedent’s probate assets; paying taxes, claims, and expenses; and distributing assets to beneficiaries. We help families navigate these complex and confusing issues following a loved ones death.
Formal Guardianship is a legal proceeding under which a person who lacks the ability to manage certain functions of everyday living is declared by a court to be “incapacitated”, and a guardian is appointed to exercise those rights.
Long Term Care Planning
Our public benefits team evaluates each family’s specific health needs and financial situation to determine what benefit options are available and how best to utilize them to provide better care for clients while protecting future needs of spouses.
Estate Planning
Our Estate Planning Consultation is a process that addresses each client’s specific goals (tax savings, probate avoidance, beneficiary protection, conflict prevention, etc). We then tailor a plan to meet those goals while also planning for possible incapacity and health care decision issues.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us as soon as possible. Our team of experienced lawyers are always available.

(936) 597-2764